Many of the Democrats who are either up for re-election or are seeking political office for the first time are claiming that they oppose much of Obamacare and plan to fix it if elected/re-elected.
Don’t believe any of this rhetoric. There is an ulterior motive to these specious statements: to win election by whatever it takes. After that, expect most of these Democrats to toe the party line, either by coercion or personal convictions, and therefore not repeal Obamacare.
Only the Republicans can be trusted to attempt to repeal or defund Obamacare.
Vote Republican in November if you want to fight Obamacare … and to take back our country from the arrogant, elitist and radical Democratic politicians.
Vote Republican in November if you want to fight Obamacare … and to take back our country from the arrogant, elitist and radical Democratic politicians.
Vote for Tea Party candidates this November! |
a. After having proclaimed, “If any bill arrives from Congress that is not controlling costs, that’s not a bill I can support. It’s going to have to control costs,” President Obama has recently admitted that he “knew” the Democrats’ health care law would increase costs.
b. According to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) the Democrats’ health law will increase premiums for millions of families by up to $2,100 on average, by 2016. This means that coverage will be $2,100 more expensive than it would have been if Congress had just left the current system alone.c. On September 8th the Wall Street Journal reported that health insurance companies are having to increase health insurance premiums by up to 20 percent next year, in part to comply with new federal mandates resulting from the Democrats’ health overhaul.
d. Today, the New York Times reported that in California, rates could increase as much as 19 percent for individual policies, while in Connecticut, due to the new law, some premiums could rise as much as 22.9 percent.
2. ObamaCare forces millions of Americans out of the health plan they have and like:
a. Obama Administration officials predict the Democrats’ health law could force up to 117 million Americans to lose their current health plan.
b. The effects are already being seen, as residents in Virginia have already lost access to one health care plan and many residents in Maine could lose theirs as well.
c. ObamaCare encourages employers to eliminate worker benefits.
3. ObamaCare discourages employers from hiring new workers, increasing wages, or retaining existing employees:
a. The Democrats’ health care law slams employers with job killing taxes and increased costs, providing less money to small businesses to hire new workers and retain existing ones.
b. Leading employer groups such as National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB), National Association of Manufacturers, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, as well as Business Roundtable & Business Council call the Democrats’ health care law “destructive” and “dangerous” due to the fact it has created massive economic uncertainty, will increase the cost of doing business, and does nothing to control the cost of health care.
c. With unemployment continuing to hover close to 10 percent, Congress should work to ease the heavy burdens our small businesses have been facing. But buried in their health care law, Democrats included a $17 billion tax increase that requires small businesses to file a 1099 tax form for every business to which they make total payments in excess of $600 for all goods and services during the tax year. According to NFIB, “at $74 an hour, tax paperwork is the most expensive paperwork burden placed on small businesses by the federal government.”
Vote out the Dems that passed OBMACARE! |
a. The Obama Administration’s own actuaries at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) estimated the Medicare cuts contained in the Democrats’ health law could threaten seniors’ access to care and cause providers to stop treating Medicare patients.
b. 7.4 million Medicare beneficiaries who would have been enrolled in a Medicare health plan will lose their plan because of the $206 billion in cuts to Medicare Advantage (MA) in the Democrats’ health law. Next year alone, 1.2 million seniors will be forced out of their MA plan or prescription drug plan.
c. Obama Administration officials predict 9 out of 10 seniors will lose their employer-sponsored retiree drug coverage and seniors enrolled in a MA plan can expect to see their benefits slashed by $816 a year in just a few short years as a result of the Democrats’ health law.
d. CBO has estimated that Medicare prescription drug coverage premiums will increase by 9 percent as a result of the Democrats’ health law.
5. Massive tax increases:
a. The Democrats’ health care law contains $570 billion in tax increases and a dozen violations of the President’s pledge to not raise taxes on Americans earning less than $200,000 for singles and $250,000 if married.
b. Through the individual mandate, Americans are forced to buy health insurance they may not want or be able to afford. The Democrats’ bill empowers the IRS to verify if you have “acceptable” health care coverage, and, if you fail to prove you have purchased “minimum essential coverage,” the IRS has the authority to fine you up to $2,085 or 2.5 percent of your income (whichever is greater). The IRS will need to hire up to 16,500 new employees to enforce this and other tax increases in the bill.
6. The cost of ObamaCare keeps growing & growing and America can’t afford it:
a. Obama Administration’s own actuaries predict that the Democrats’ new health law will increase national health care spending by over $300,000,000,000.
b. CBO predicts that federal health care-related spending could increase by an additional $115,000,000,000 or more over 10 years to just to implement the Democrats’ new health care law.
c. The Obama Administration recently asked Congressional Democrats for $250 million in additional funding to “increase the primary care health workforce” after finally admitting their new law will lead to a shortage of doctors.
By Dave Camp, Ranking Member Committee on Ways & Means Republicans
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